happy meeting
で、土曜日に30歳ぐらいの男性が満面の笑みで一目ぼれして、翌日曜日に奥様を連れて来て熱き思いを語り、現在購入を検討中。結果は分からないけれど、この作品を買おうか悩むだけでも素晴らしい! あの笑顔が忘れられない
Tomorrow is the final day of the exhibition at the departmentsotore.
This was not drawn by a child, but by Chosei MIWA (1901-83) "explosion of wave"(japanese painting, 65x53cn). He is a member of The Japan Art Academy seriously. At the gallery, it stands out from the other neat works
Last saturday a man of about thirty years old fell in love with it at first sight, then on sunday he appeared again with his wife and explained his passion for it, and now they are considering buying it. They are not sure yet, but are great enough going into deep thought on it!!! I can not forget his smile.